Sweet peppers Hydro- Dome Refill Packs

Sweet Peppers Hydro-Dome Refill Packs

Sale Price: $7.99

This great addition to the Hydro-Dome allows you to replant your seeds and reuse your dome! This affordable kit contains all you need, including rock wool cubes, net pots, nutrients, and a seed pack. Sweet peppers hail from Mexico, Central America, and the Southwest United States. Many people mistakenly refer to peppers as vegetables, but they are actually fruits. Your sweet peppers have been used as food by Native Americans for centuries and were brought back to Europe by Christopher Columbus. They can be eaten cooked or raw and make a delicious addition to many dishes. After a quick and easy planting, your peppers will sprout in 1 to 2 weeks and be ready for harvest in 2 to 3 months. Make sure to keep the peppers moist and they reward you with vigorous growth.