Catnip Hydro-Dome Refill Packs

Catnip Hydro-Dome Refill Packs

Sale Price: $7.99

This great addition to the Hydro-Dome allows you to replant your seeds and reuse your dome! This affordable kit contains all you need, including rock wool cubes, net pots, nutrients, and a seed pack. Native to Asia and Europe but very prevalent in North America now, catnip is beloved by cats and even makes a soothing herbal tea for people. Catnip is a member of the mint family and a perennial, which means that it will come back every year from a single planting. Your catnip will sprout in 2 to 3 weeks after a quick and easy planting. You can begin harvesting your plant as soon as the stems get to be about one foot tall. Catnip can survive long periods of drought once it is established. In fact, this often intensifies the aroma by concentrating the essential oils that cats enjoy!