Sundew Savages

Sundew Savages

Sale Price: $14.99

Grow your own collection of feared and famous meat eating plants. This kit features three types of Sundew Plants. Watch these fascinating plants grow from harmless seeds into vicious bug-eating monsters! Sundew Plants are covered with tiny hairs that shine in the sunlight, and insects mistake the liquid for nectar. However, the hairs do not contain nectar; at the end of each hair is a reddish gland that secretes a type of natural glue. When an insect lands on the plant, it is immediately stuck. As the insect struggles to free itself, it hits other glue-covered hairs, and resistance becomes even more futile. Make your own authentic bog with the included peat planting mix, blue Swamp Rocks, and companionable Bog Buddy. With proper care, this rare and unusual collection of carnivorous plants will flourish for years in the specially designed terrarium.