Pitcher Plant Predators

Pitcher Plant Predators

Sale Price: $14.99

Grow your own collection of feared and famous meat eating plants. This deluxe edition has seeds from five different kinds of carnivorous Pitcher Plants including The Hooded Pitcher Plant, the Purple Pitcher Plant, and the Pale Trumpet. Watch these fascinating plants grow from harmless seeds into vicious bug-eating monsters! The colorful veins and scented nectar of the pitcher plant lead crawling insects up the outside of the tube. When the bugs land on the tube-like leaves, the insects lose their traction (nectar is very slippery) and they fall, becoming trapped at the bottom. If they try to fly out, they actually create a vacuum in the narrow tubes, forcing them down even further. The tube fills up and the predator's prey is digested. Make your own authentic bog with the included peat planting mix, blue Swamp Rocks, and companionable Bog Buddy. With proper care, this rare and unusual collection of carnivorous plants will flourish for years in the specially designed terrarium.